LEXINGTON, N.C. — For some kids in Davidson County this week is a chance to put down the video games and get some hands on experience working with police.

Tuesday was the first day for the Lexington Police Department’s first ever youth camp.

The department says this is a chance to continue to connect with the kids in the community and spark that interest for those who might be considering a career in law enforcement.

During the three day camp, the kids will learn the different divisions in the department.

“It’s a good time for us to sort of get out with the kids and say hey here’s what we do — ask us some questions, and they have plenty of questions to ask us believe me,” said Captain Michael Hunt, Lexington Police Department.

They recently received a $1,500 donation from Point Security, Inc. in Davidson County to help out with the camp.

The camp finishes up on Thursday evening where there will be a graduation ceremony at the community watch dinner.

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